Conseil Supérieur de l'Education, de la Formation et de la Recherche Scientifique
Angle avenues Allal El Fassi et Al Melia – Hay Riad (RABAT-Maroc)
Tél : (+212) 05 37 77 44 25
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Packed with study tips and handy activities, Essential Study Skills is a proven guide that shows you step-by-step how to study effectively and make the best of your time at university - whatever level you′re at. Whether you are going to universi[...]texte imprimé
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How do education students effectively interpret the research that underpins much of their learning? How do they judge whether results are valid or relevant? This is the perfect guide to engaging with educational research. It explores how to r[...]texte imprimé
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"Questions and Answers in Attitude Surveys makes an enormous contribution to the field of survey methodology and ranks with such classics as Hyman's Interviewing and Kish's Survey Sampling. To the extent that survey research is only as reliable [...]texte imprimé
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This fifth edition of Tony Bush’s bestselling text explores the links between educational management theories and the main models of leadership, and their application to policy and practice globally across varied educational contexts. This fu[...]texte imprimé
Introducing 18 key educational thinkers who have offered challenging perspectives on education, this new edition comes with: · 3 new chapters on Ivan Illich, Loris Malaguzzi and Michael Apple · A glossary of key words related t[...]
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Membres et cadres du Conseil:
tous les jours, de 9h à 16h30.
Utilisateurs externes:
sur rendez-vous, les mardis et jeudis, de 9h30 à 16h (dans la limite des places disponibles).